The Association

The Managing & Marketing Sales Association is a professional, international, organisation for students and practitioners. Specialising in qualifications and Membership in Sales, Marketing and Management. These qualifications are registered in the UK and recognised by overseas Government Departments covering Education and Training.

Membership is international, offering services through Representatives based in the Far East, Middle East, Europe and Africa.

As an Examination Board, MAMSA derives its strengths and agenda from its membership and students. It is a non-profit-making organisation whose aim is to enhance and promote vocational business education. It is governed by an Executive Council made up of honorary members who meet on a monthly basis to review policy. An executive staff is responsible for the day-to-day management of operations and administrative support, who ultimately report to the Academic Review Council (ARC), made up of adjunct faculty members. The ARC advises the Executive Council on academic and quality assurance.

Dr Mike Whitaker is the current Chairman of the Board.

MAMSA has a proud history of being the first to recognise the importance of Selling and Marketing when it was conceived in 1860 in the UK, the first to instigate "Case Studies" as a method of examining a candidate's knowledge of theory and practice in the early 1970's and the first to introduce 'strategy' to the Marketing functions with senior students presenting a Hypothesis / Thesis for the Final Year of their Diploma course.

Today, it is global in servicing the needs of members and students and recognition gained by MAMSA throughout the business world has been reached by working with Governments, Educational Authorities, professional organisations and progressive business enterprises.

Leading business and educational units have Senior Executives and Educationalists as Members and an ever-growing number of students studying for MAMSA Qualifications.


  1. To provide a communication centre for the dissemination of knowledge and education in Selling, Marketing and Management.
  2. To provide professional qualifications by the medium of examinations
  3. To strive to maintain and improve standards of professional practice.